Family Law:

Divorce & Separation in Spain.

Liquidation of the joint assets.

Rights of the parties and parental responsability.

Financial agreements for childrens and child maintenance.

Custody and visitation rights.


Starting a business & incorporating a Spanish Company.


Administration of income and wealth tax for non-residents. Payment of local taxes such as rates. municipal real estate tax (IBI), rubbish collection, and registration at the Town Hall. Setting up direct debit mandate for payment of taxes.

NIE number

Arrange your Spanish tax identification number (NIE).


Arrange insurance for your home, car, and life.

Utility Contracts

Water & Electricity.

Social Security registration

Rental Contracts

Application for residency

Property Visa for Investors

International Notarial Services & Apostilles, Traslations and Certificates of Law

Testimony of passports

Swearing affidavits or oaths

Our Associates Notaries will help you in the legalisation of UK documents, and also Notarise and Apostillise any type of documents.